If you’re interested in learning where to get fake money for your child, then you’re likely trying to teach them to make change, distinguish between denominations, and buy fake money online their overall math skills. Fake currency can be acquired from a number of sources, but the following options are the best I’ve come across. You might have other ideas about where to get fake money for kids; these are just my favorite options.
The Internet – A search on Google for “fake money for your child” will turn up a number of sites which allow play money to be printed out immediately. These sites offer currency in a wide range of denominations, and many also include lessons and ideas for teaching your kids how to spend responsibly.
Major Retail Chains – Check the toy section of stores like Wal-Mart and Target, and you’re sure to find all manner of play currency. Some may look just like the real thing, while others will be more of a novelty item.
Your Local Grocery Store – Even if you shop at a local grocery store to avoid long lines at the bigger chains, you can still locate play money for your kids. Most of these stores have a section devoted to toys, and it’s not unusual to find fake cash stocked there.
Games – A number of board games feature play money, with the most famous example being Monopoly. In addition, there are a number of games on the market that specialize in helping children learn to count currency. While browsing through Amazon, I also discovered items such as toy ATM machines and a bank playset.
Teacher Supply Store – Elementary teachers include lessons about money, and any teacher supply store will carry oversized examples of cash and coins on sturdy cardboard paper. This option will be more expensive than buying it from a toy department, but it will also be more durable.
Make Your Own Money – With some scissors, crayons, and construction paper, you and your child can produce play currency in no time. It’s a fun way to spend time with your kid, plus it can lead to a more in-depth discussion of how money works.