When questioning whether you will pass a drug test from your employer, the only concrete answer is that it will depend on how recently you have done drugs. Home drug testing kits are available to help you find out if drug levels are detectable in your system. These tests are fast, accurate, and confidential.Do you have no idea if you can pass a drug test or not? Well, if the drug test involves urine, you can go for synthetic urine instead. As a matter of fact, synthetic urine is the best way to clear a drug test provided you follow the right steps. The great thing about this artificial urine is that it works like real pee. Usually, this urine is used in laboratories in order to adjust the testing tools. If you want to know more about it, read on.
It is a pre-mixed liquid. Usually, experts create this urine in labs for the purpose of calibrating drug testing tools. Besides, this urine is composed of constituents that are similar to the real urine. In other words, the urine looks like similar to the composition, appearance, gravity, pH level and other features of real urine. That is the reason it is used by most lab operators on a regular basis.Each product of the synthetic urine contains 2 ounces of the liquid, which is enough for the analysis. In the test, the primary components as well as the specific gravity and pH levels are tested.
During the test, if the sample is modified, the pH level and the specific gravity will not be accurate and the specimen will not jsnma.org accepted. However, the components of the artificial urine have a balanced specific gravity and pH level, which allows you to get the required results in the test.Before you buy the product, make sure you choose the trusted supplier. You don’t want to end up buying a fake product. The primary ingredients of the pee are creatinine, uric acid and urea, just to name a few. In the package, you will find different contents, such as a bottle of plastic, a test strip and a heating pad. Make sure the package contains all of the mentioned contents. If something is missing, you should send the package back to the seller and ask for a refund.
The temperature of the sample should meet the requirement of the test. So, the first thing you need to do is put the sample in the microwave for a few seconds. In a few seconds, the temperature of the liquid will hit 90 to 100 degrees. Once the liquid reaches this temperature, you should get it out of the microwave.Your next step is to break the ingredients of the heating pad. This will activate the heat producing chemicals right away. As a matter of fact, the most important part of the test is to maintain the temperature of the sample between 97 and 98 degrees.
And if the temperature is too high or too low, the test result will be rejected. Therefore, make sure you keep the pad attached to the urine bottle. This will help you maintain the required temperature.At times, the test conductor is physically evaluated prior to the actual test. This is done to prevent cheating or smuggling. Synthetic urine is easy to hide because it is put in a plastic bottle. Some bottles make use of this pee with penis made of disposable plastic, which covers a squeeze bottle.