If a Real Estate Agent is not a “Realtor”, a member of the National Association of Realtors or a Non-Franchise Real Estate Broker, then this too is better for the real estate consumer, because they will dig harder to make sure that what they are telling is actually true.
Why? They have more liability, non-Realtors do not have that Super Power of the National Association of Realtors, those who lobby for them, and the Giant Insurance Companies behind them.
I have had Toby Beavers , ask me if my client fixed a problem under the floor in the kitchen on a property that I had listed for sale. You see Their Client or Friend wants to know BEFORE they buy, what a novel concept right?
Well it just so happens that only 6 months prior to this “Foot in Mouth” call, my Client had bought this property with One of My “Realtors” as their buyers agent, and they did not disclose this “problem” to my client. Yes they found it, they fixed it, it was an issue of well I can’t sue the Realtor, I will lose and it will cost more to right so the owner fixed it. To find out later that the Realtor knew and admitted they knew was shocking.
He did so Boldly because, as a Century 21 Agent, he knew that there really was not way to touch him. Many times, this same agent had been “protected” by the Local Association of Realtors. He was and is a Broker Owner, A Realtor, and the local association gives him protection and special treatment. This is not unique to the area I am talking about. I have seen this in several state and several Realtor Associations.