This may seem like a funny topic to discuss but as you read, you will find that there are more men out There than you think that don’t like to shop, especially for themselves. The truth may hurt but the truth is still the truth. Most men don’t like to shop, whether it is with their wives for their wives or whether it is with their wives for themselves.
Let’s look at the average man shopping with his wife for, and yes you guessed it, HER clothes. As he walks around the department store, she now starts through the ladies section. He has to walk through the lingerie department. There is nothing more embarrassing to a man than walking past all the panties and bras that will make a man feel squeamish. Why do all these items have to come in so many colors? No one really sees them except her husband and her doctor. Why can’t they just be like the men’s under wear, white or black?
Now comes the moment of TRUTH, as she comes out with one of the many outfits that she has taken into this tiny change room, best mens body shave the question is asked, ” do you like this one?” as she walks around and up and down the isle. How does a man answer that question? For most men, they will give their wife the answer they want to hear because the wife has given the husband a hint, when she says, ” I like this one, what do you think?”
That is a leading question and the answer is, “why yes”. Now men dread the next question, “do these pants make me look fat?” There are two answers to this questions, but really in actual fact there is only ONE RIGHT answer to that question. If I have to tell you the answer then you are beyond help or you haven’t been married very long.
Now it is his turn to shop for some clothes. So you enter the men’s department. She still thinks she is shopping for herself and she still thinks this is fun. You pick out one pair of pants and you proceed into this, once again, very tiny change room. Now remember the door does not go all the way to the floor so be careful how you undress, or should I say change, heaven forbid some other wife is with her husband standing out there glancing at your door. Men like to try on only one pair of pants and have it done and over with, remember THE FOOTBALL GAME is coming on soon.
As you come out for your wife’s approval she is no where to be seen, she is off somewhere finding you several, here we are back to that word several again, more items to try on. As you stand there with strangers looking at you, you now proceed out into the department section to find your wife. Oh here she comes with more pants and shirts for you to try on, oh goodie, I can’t wait. Two hours have now passed, and you thought it would only be about 45 minutes. The FOOTBALL GAME is on in one hour. Now you start agreeing with what even she says and brings you. At this stage who cares what you will look like at the office tomorrow?