Unlike in the past, today not all types of dental braces are placed on the front side of the teeth. We now have special braces that work as well, but from behind the teeth referred to as lingual braces, also appropriately known as incognito braces. Since they’re bonded behind your teeth, no one will ever even get know that you’re on braces.
Also recognized as invisible braces, they’re attached onto the inner surfaces of your teeth that face the tongue thus becoming virtually invisible to other people even when someone is up-close. Australasian Society of Lingual Orthodontics website forms a valuable information goldmine about all types of dental braces for anybody who would be interested in knowing more.
The Advantages
The Adult and Lingual Orthodontics journal has described them as the best aesthetic alternative if you desire to get your teeth corrected but without the ugly metal look whenever you try to smile. This is since they come with great aesthetic and cosmetic appeal.
1. Instead of having metal brackets bonded onto the front of your teeth, these unique are made for bonding to the back of your teeth, hence remaining virtually invisible whenever you smile. In addition, they are customized specifically for you ensuring that improvements become evident inside a short period.
2. Perhaps the greatest advantage is that no one will ever realize you have them on, unless of course if they were to come and peep inside your mouth! They provide reliable dental correction for all types of defective tooth positions and are suitable for all the ages.
3. When it comes to managing here teeth movements, they are deemed more efficient than other types of clear aligners. They’re suitable for closing your dental spaces, altering the height of teeth and for correcting teeth rotations.
4. The European Journal of Orthodontics published in April 2011 a study that evaluated the impact of bracket/brace types, which found these particular type possessed greater bonding strength owing to their extended base that boosts patient comfort. Hence, most patients experience minimal physical discomfort and speech interference.
5. Since they are made of gold and nickel alloy, problems of allergies will not arise. Whatever discoloration that could happen would be on the inner side of your teeth unseen by others.