A bad date is a place you don’t want to be. It’s no one’s fault, yet no matter how well you seem to get on online, you can easily find yourself in a public place with a stranger having a real struggle with simple conversation. What should you do?
You have 3 options open to you if you find yourself on a date which is not going well. By bad date I am referring to a mediocre level bad date where awkward Escorts in Prague and stilted conversation ensues, not the type of bad date you need to run away from. You can either –
1) cut the date short and go home
2) stick it out, but not see them again
3) give it another chance, another time.
There’s no need to throw your possessions and yourself out of a restroom window if the conversation does not flow as you had hoped. There’s a lot of pressure on people on a first date and it can be difficult to be yourself. It’s not unlike a job interview, in many ways.
If the first date is not a roaring success, should you agree to another? Daters are very strictly in one camp or the other over this one. Some hardened daters are adamant that if there is no instant and deep connection, you should throw in the dating towel immediately. I am in the camp that believes that you might need a few dates to get to know one another.
Think of your current best friend, for example. I bet when you first met, you might not have imagined that they would one day be your best friend. You need more than one pop at getting to know someone – a date shouldn’t be like an exam.
If you don’t want to give it another go and meet your date again, send a polite and sugary message including:
– a big thank you for taking the time to meet you
– tell them that they are great, but you don’t feel you are suited
– wish them all the best of luck for the future and say thanks again
If your date is rude or lewd, you don’t need to sit politely through this one. If your date is rude or you feel unsafe in their company, you can cut the date short. Excuses include, I feel ill. That should do it. An elaborate plan that involves your mobile phone and an emergency is not necessary. Afflictions that are sudden and common include; headache, toothache, tummy ache, nausea.